Active public companies in Hungary

Directory  >>  Hungary

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Suit &
1 4iG Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
2 AKKO Invest Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
3 ALTEO Energiaszolgaltato Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
4 Amixa Holding Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
5 Any Biztonsagi Nyomda Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
6 Appeninn Vagyonkezelo Holding Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
7 AutoWallis Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
8 Bank of China Limited, Hungarian Branch (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
9 Budapest (City of) (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
10 Budapesti Ertektozsde Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
11 Budapesti Ingatlan Hsznsts s Fjlszts Nyr (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
12 CIB Bank Zrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
13 CIG Pannonia Eletbiztosito Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
14 Civita Group Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
15 CPI Hungary Investments Kft. (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
16 Delta Technologies Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
17 DM KER Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
18 Duna House Holding Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
19 ENEFI Vagyonkezelo Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
20 Eprolius Ingatlan Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
21 ERSTE Bank Hungary ZRT (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
22 eSense Human Resources Szolgaltato Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
23 FHB Mortgage Bank Co Plc. (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
24 Finext Vagyonkezelo Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
25 Forras Vagyonkezelesi es Befektetes Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
26 Graphisoft Park SE Ingatlnfjlszt Erp Rt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
27 Hungary (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
28 K&H Bank Zrt. (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
29 Kulcs Soft Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
30 Magyar Export Import Bank Zrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
31 Magyar Telekom Tavkozlesi Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
32 MASTERPLAST Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
33 MAV-START Railway Passenger Transport Company (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 12/31/2023 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
34 MBH Bank Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
35 MBH Jelzalogbank Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
36 MFB Hungarian Development Bank Private Limited Company (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
37 MOL Magyar Olaj es Gazipari Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
38 MVM Zrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 12/31/2023 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
39 National Bank of Hungary (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
40 Nestle Hungaria Kft (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
41 Nitrogenmuvek Zrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
42 Nord General Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
43 NUTEX Befektetesi Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
44 Opus Global Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
45 Ormester Vagyonvedelmi Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
46 OTP Bank Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
47 PannErgy Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
48 Pensum Group Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
49 Raba Jarmuipari Holding Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
50 Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS Statement News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
51 Richter Gedeon Vegyeszeti Gyar Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
52 Shopper Park Plus Zrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
53 SunDell Estate Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
54 UBM Holding Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 6/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
55 Vertikal Group Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 12/31/2023 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
56 Waberer's International Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
57 Wizz Air Holdings PLC (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 12/31/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
58 Zwack Unicum Lkrpr es Krskdlm Nyrt (Hungary) FRISK® Z'' PAYCE® DBT Moody's Fitch DBRS 9/30/2024 News SEC Bankruptcy Suits Liens
CreditRiskMonitor is a financial risk analysis and news service for credit, supply chain and financial professionals.  Our strength in coverage spans 58,000 global public companies, totaling about $70 trillion in corporate revenue.  We also offer solutions that can help ease private company financial risk assessment.  Leading corporations around the world - including more than 35% of the Fortune 1000, plus thousands more worldwide - rely on us to help them stay ahead of financial risk quickly, accurately and cost-effectively. 

Reports typically include detailed financial statements, ratios, peer analyses, bond agency ratings from Moody's, Fitch, DBRS Morningstar, when available, and our proprietary FRISK® score, proven 96% accurate in predicting financial failure of public companies.

This FREE directory includes those 58,000 companies plus more than 10,000 entities with agency ratings but no financials, worldwide.

We also collect trade payments data and public filings (suits, liens, judgments, and bankruptcy filings) on millions of private businesses, primarily U.S. The private companies are not included in this directory. Their reports are accessible only to CreditRiskMonitor subscribers.

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